Index Creative & First One Asia

Index Creative


Index & First One Asia approached us to lead the marketing activities for their newest festival called Anotherworld. The biggest Hardstyle Music Festival event that has happened in Thailand to date.

With the leverage of our own brands and social media presence we created hype leading towards the event, as well as exposure and community engagement. 


The marketing strategy included content marketing and social media ads, due to the nature of the niche music genre it was challenging to attract the right audience and further develop the community around the event.  After the festival we worked together with index to increase the social media presence and following for future events.

How did we do it?

Hardstyle is very well known in Europe and we had plenty of content to set our benchmarks with, we produced multiple short video clips and and posts to increase awareness within Thailand and attract more audience to the event.

Tools & methods


The Event Completely Sold Out and was a great success, people in Thailand learnt about a new music genre and the event organisers were very greatful of the outcome!


Thanks for sharing!


Index Creative & First One Asia

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